
First local training session in Timişoara Municipality


User: Primăria Municipiului Timişoara

The program of the event was realized for a gradual  information of participants about the following topics:

  1. General framework - climate change and the need to reorient public authorities to sustainable energy
  2. CONURBANT Project presentation
  3. COVENANT OF MAYORS - role, opportunities and principles
  4. Basic inventory of emissions - how we develop the  GHG inventory
  5. Sustanaible Energy Action Plan – how we develop the SEAP ? Climate change in the XXI century, in the context of urban growth poles.
    Reduction of GHG emissions and adapting to climate change
  6. Possibilities for financing the measures and actions of SEAP
  7. Identification of relevant sectors and setting GHG emissions reduction measures to reduce CO2 emissions and measures to implement sustainable energy and adaptation to climate change - working group activities
  8. Sustainable Energy and opportunities of implementing sustainable energy Opportunities for local government implementing of energy efficiency measures

