Report of training seminars including main proposed integrations
Category: Public deliverables
User: Municipality of Vicenza
This activity was addressed to the improvement of partner Municipalities' capacity in the field of developing, implementing and monitoring SEAPs, based on their specific needs assessment.
The consortium used existing training material at EU and national level to organise centralised training sessions, local training for trainee cities and for conurbation towns politicians and technicians.
Study tours were organised for Trainee Municipalities and conurbation towns in Tutoring cities.
These seminars were targeted to Trainee Municipalities and Conurbation towns.
It will include a hafl-day study tour to Padova, to show highlights in an advanced community from a EU-15 Member State and provide extra opportunities for peer-to-peer exchange and learning.
The study tours were followed by a half-day de-briefing session and analysis of good examples.
During the training sessions, according to geographical position, city dimension, specific needs, etc. each trainee city was appointed a Tutoring Municipality for peer-to-peer exchanges during the project.
- Report of training seminars (PDF Document)