SEAP of Timisoara Municipality has been approved on 11 November 2014
The Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Timisoara Municipality has been approved by the City Council on 11 of November 2014. This is the biggest achievement of Municipality of Timisoara in the context of CONURBANT Project.
Three new signatories of the Covenant of Mayors initiative in Timisoara Conurbation
During 2014, the Covenant of Mayors initiative gained three more new signatories in Timisoara Conurbation and in Timis County.
Sustainable Energy Europe and ManagEnergy Awards 2014 - CONURBANT project between the 30 nominees
For this 8th edition of the Sustainable Energy Europe and ManagEnergy Awards, 342 projects from 31 different countries were submitted. After much deliberation by nine technical experts – the Technical Advisory Committee – under the supervision of EASME, 30 nominees were selected: Five projects for each category of the Sustainable Energy Europe Awards in addition to five projects for the ManagEnergy Award, dedicated to public authorities and energy agencies at the local and regional level.
25-25 June, 2014 - ENERGY DAYS TIMISOARA 2014
Municipality of Timişoara will organize the fourth edition of ENERGY DAYS TIMIŞOARA 2014 in the frame of European Sustainable Energy Week.
And the nominees are...Sustainable Energy Europe & ManagEnergy Awards 2014
Project Conurbant Final Conference
Final Conference of the project Conurbant held in Osijek, Croatia, on April 24th 2014, gave an insight to the Europe 2020 targets on climate changes, Covenant of Mayors and all the main project activities.
Due Carrare (Padova) Finances Energy Requalification of a School
The Requalification of a school in the framework of the "Fondo per Kyoto" thanks to the CONURBANT Project
Due Carrare Approves its SEAP
Friday 9 May 2014 the City Council of Due Carrare approved its SEAP
7 and 9 of May 2014, the final Workshops in the frame of CONURBANT Project
In 7 and 9 of May 2014 were organized the final workshops in Timisoara - in the frame of CONURBANT Project
52 SEAPs developed in the frame of CONURBANT Project
Within the frame of the CONURBANT project, 52 SEAPs in 10 conurbation areas, covering a population of more than 1,5 million inhabitants were developed. TheSEAPs include the specific aspects of long term visions, objectives, key sectors and targets, organizational and financial aspects, in strong connection to commitment undertaken by all partners, to achieve the major goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy, concerning “20/20/20" climate/energy targets.
The 2014 edition of Green Week Satellite Events, will take place from 3 to 5 June in Timişoara. The theme of this year will be “Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency & Waste”, entitled “TOGETHER TOWARDS ZERO WASTE IN TIMIŞOARA”.
3L, the ELENA project of Padova
The ELENA Project for Padova Area started the day 23.10.2013
Ponte San Nicolò SEAP Approval
Padova Conurbation City of Ponte San Nicolò approved its SEAP the 9th of April 2014
Padova and Vicenza hosted a Joint Study Tour
16 and 17 April 2014. 1,5 days power-packed with en ergy and ideas on SEAP Implementation measures of Padova and Vicenza, with a focus on mobility
Vigonza SEAP Approved
Padova conurbation city of Vigonza approved its SEAP the day 31st of march 2014
Alba Iulia joins ICLEI’s global city network
Alba Iulia joins ICLEI’s global city network
Dissemination of the CONURBANT Project results
SEAP of Municipality of Vratsa is approved
We are pleased to inform you that the SEAP of Municipality of Vratsa has successfully passed the full analysis and has been approved by Covenant of Mayors.
The fourth edition of the Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development
Club Metropolitan – Association for Metropolitan Mobility (AMM), supported by UITP, AIDA, Alba Iulia City Hall, STP Alba Iulia and Oradea Metropolitan Area Association, organized the forth edition of the Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development, on 8 and 9 April, in Alba Iulia.
TIMISOARA - March 21, 2014 - Geothermal Solutions Local Projects within the frame of Europe 2020
Timisoara Municipality organizes on March 21, 2014 the Seminar entitled "GEOTHERMAL - SOLUTIONS and Local Projects within the Frame of Europe 2020 Objectives", an event which aims at bringing to the attention of representatives of local authorities and of other local actors solutions offered by shallow geothermal systems as an efficient and renewable source for heat supply.
March 27-28, 2014 Workshop in Timişoara - „Boosting SEAP implementation in Western Romanian cities”
„Boosting SEAP implementation in Western Romanian cities” ManageEnergy Capacity Building Workshop will take place on March 27-28, 2014 in Timişoara, Multifunctional Hall of the Administrative Palace (Timiş County Council), No. 17 Revoluţiei din 1989 Boulevard.
Timisoara Municipality organizes on March 21, 2014 the Seminar "GEOTHERMAL - SOLUTIONS and
Timisoara Municipality organizes on March 21, 2014 the Seminar entitled "GEOTHERMAL - SOLUTIONS and Local Projects within the Frame of Europe 2020 Objectives", an event which aims at bringing to the attention of representatives of local authorities and of other local actors solutions offered by shallow geothermal systems as an efficient and renewable source for heat supply.
Actions selected by Municipalities and Conurbation towns for the implementation process
2-3 December, 2013 - Succesfull Workshops with working groups in Timisoara
SEAPs of Municipality of Timişoara Conurbation Towns developed in the Frame of CONURBANT Project
Municipality of Timişoara 8 conurbation towns have approved their SEAPs by the Local Councils
Study Tour in Freiburg - A Joint Experience with Covenant CapaCity and LEAP
European local government leaders look to Freiburg, Germany, for energy policy inspiration
Study Visit within the frame of CASCADE Project
Timisoara Municipality participate to the the study visit organised by the City of Mannheim, in the period September 23 – 25, 2013 within the frame of CASCADE Project, coordinated by the EUROCITIES Association – “Cities exchanging on local energy leadership - Peer-to-peer exchanges between European cities on successful implementation of sustainable energy policies”
In Timisoara Conurbation, two IEE Projects, CONURBANT and REGEOCITIES combined their resources
On October 3, 2013, two projects funded by the European Union through the Programme Intelligent Energy – Europe, namely: CONURBANT and REGEOCITIES –“Regulations of Geothermal HP systems at local and regional level in Europe" – code IEE/11/041/SI2.616367, ( – combined their resources.
Submitted SEAPs of Municipality of Vratsa and its conurbation municipalities
Municipality of Vratsa and its 5 conurbation municipalities have their approved SEAPs by local Municipal councils. All SEAPs are submitted to Covenant of Mayors for approval
This year, the Municipality of Timisoara has organised the 3rd edition of ENERGY DAYS events within the frame of the European Sustainable Energy Week, both as Covenant of Mayors signatory and as partner in the Project „An inclusive peer-to-peer approach to involve EU CONURBations and wide urban areas in participating to the CovenANT of Mayors”, acronym CONURBANT, project code IEE/ 10/380/SI2 58 9427.
Second working Group was held in Palma on 20/06/2013
The City of Palma de Mallorca organized on 20/06/2013, the second working group within the CONURBANT project.
ENERGY DAYS Timisoara 2013 - 18-28 June 2013
18.06.2013 – Painting Contest with the theme GREEN ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT in TIMISOARA
18.06.2013 – Painting Contest with the theme “GREEN ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, with the participation of schools from Timisoara Conurbation;
The twelfth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION
The twelfth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on June 6, 2013 in the COMMUNITY OF DUDEŞTII NOI, Timiş County.
2013 Energy Day in Palma
The City of Palma de Mallorca organized on 05/06/2013, the 2013 energy day.
The eleventh Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION
The eleventh Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on June 4, 2013 in the COMMUNITY OF GIROC, Timiş County.
2013 Energy Days in Vicenza
The City of Vicenza, being present at the FESTAMBIENTE Energy Week, will organize on June 28 th 2013 the second edition of the “Conurbant Energy Days”.
Timişoara Municipality Local Energy Forum and Working Groups
On 29 May 2013, the City Hall of the Timisoara organised the Local Energy Forum and the Working Groups meant to analyse the actions and measures established by the Climate Change Strategy and the Action Plan on fighting, mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change, as well as to reassess the Action Plan for Sustainable Energies.
The ninth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION
The ninth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on May 28, 2013 in the COMMUNITY OF CĂRPINIŞ, Timiş County.
EUSEW 2013 - 2nd CONURBANT International Workshop
The workshops will be structured as open training sessions for Local Authorities that are interested in, are going to, or have recently signed the Covenant of Mayors and need peer-to-peer support to implement the technical activities foreseen.
CONURBANT Project Workshop. Innovative financing solutions for energy and climate local actions.
Vicenza Approved its SEAP
Vicenza City Council Approved the SEAP
First version of the SEAP for Salaspils discussed with the mayor
Today the meeting with the mayor fo Salaspils region Mr. Raimonds Cudars was held to inform him about the main actions included in the SEAP
Vicenza presents Conurbant Project during "M'Illumino di meno" 2013
Even this year the City of Vicenza is joining "M'illumino di meno", the national event organized by Caterpillar, well known broadcast on Rai Radio 2, to mark the anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol.
The eighth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION
The eighth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on February 13, 2013 in the COMMUNITY OF SÎNANDREI, Timiş County - for Sînandrei and Orţişoara Towns.
The seventh Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION
The seventh Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on February 12, 2013 in the COMMUNITY OF PECIU NOU, Timiş County - for Peciu Nou and Sînmihaiu Român Towns.
First working group meeting in Alba Iulia was held on 7 february 2013
On February 7, 2013 was held the first working group meeting CONURBANT Project. The working group aimed at identifying and proposing joint actions and measures that can be included in the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP).
The sixth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION
The sixth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on 8th February 2013 in the COMMUNITY OF GIARMATA, Timiş County - for Giarmata and Pişchia Towns.
The fifth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION
The fifth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on 7th February 2013 in the COMMUNITY OF REMETEA MARE, Timiş County - for Remetea Mare and Bucovăţ Towns.
Second working group meeting in Latvia will be held on 25 January 2013 in Riga
The first working group meeting on energy data availability will be organised in Riga in cooperation with Riga Planning Region
Vicenza Local Energy Forum - Sharing SEAP ideas with local stakeholders
The fourth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION
The fourth Local Energy Forum and Working Group for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on 18th December 2012 in the COMMUNITY OF DUMBRĂVIŢA, Timiş County.
The third Local Energy Forum and Working Groups in Timişoara CONURBATION
The third Local Energy Forum and Working Groups for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on 17th December 2012 in the COMMUNITY OF GHIRODA, Timiş County.
Second Local Energy Forum and Working Groups in TIMISOARA CONURBATION
The second Local Energy Forum and Working Groups for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on 13th December 2012 in the COMMUNITY OF MOŞNIŢA NOUĂ, Timiş County.
First Local Energy Forum and Working Groups in TIMISOARA CONURBATION
The first Local Energy Forum and Working group for Timişoara CONURBATION was held on 12th December 2012 in the COMMUNITY OF ŞAG, Timiş County.
Launch of Energy Forums in Alba Iulia Municipality
The Third Energy Forum successfully held in Alba Iulia Municipality
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Flickr
Alba Iulia Municipality currently has a Facebook page, a Twitter and a Flickr account dedicated to the promovation and disemination of the project.
Launch of Energy Forums in Alba Iulia Municipality
First Energy Forum successfully held in Alba Iulia Municipality
Launch of Energy Forums in Alba Iulia Municipality
The Second Energy Forum successfully held in Alba Iulia Municipality
Launch of Energy Forums in Alba Iulia Municipality
The Fourth Energy Forum successfully held in Alba Iulia Municipality
Launch of energy forums in Latvia
First energy forum successfully held in Salaspils
1st Issue of the Joint IEE E-newsletter
First Issue of the Conurbant project E-newsletter is already available.
Fifth edition of the Fair "Alba Local Energy Agency 2012. Fair equipment and comprehensive services"
On 28-29 September 2012, was held the fifth edition of the Fair "Alba Local Energy Agency 2012 2012. Fair equipment and comprehensive services", a very important annual event held in Alba Iulia
Municipality of Vicenza presents the Conurbant Experience to other Veneto's Municipalities
Next October 2nd 2012 at UnionCamere Veneto in Venice
Alba Iulia Municipality and cities of Timisoara and Arad work together
Alba Iulia tutoring activities. Assessing the progress of RO partners in CONURBANT project
Salaspils organizes the Mobility week "To develop in the right direction"
The Covenant of Mayors Technical Helpdesk - "We are pleased to announce that your Sustainable Energy Action Plan meets the six criteria described above and therefore it has been accepted. We wish to congratulate you for this achievement! This has been made publicly visible on the Covenant of Mayors website".
Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Arad
The Local Council of Arad approved the Sustainable Energy Action Plan, by Resolution No. 170/14.08.2012 after a public debate
Municipality of Arad engaged in sustainable mobility to reach CO2 reduction
The City of Arad, one of the 71 Romanian signatories of The Covenant of Mayors, plans to enhance the uptake of public transport, walking and cycling, after the completion of works on its new cycling lanes.
Loan Agreement for Public Transport in Arad
Arad organises The European Mobility Week
Vicenza met citizens during its Energy Days
Eusew 2012 - for the first time Vicenza Municipality met citizens on a Energy Desk presenting Conurbant project, Covenant of Mayors principles and Energy Saving, Renewable Energies, Sustainable Energy Policies
Timisoara Municipality participation to the Local Energy Leadership Contractors Meeting
On 28 June 2012, a member of the CONURBANT Project implementation team, as representative of Timisoara Municipality, participated at the meeting “Local Energy Leadership Contractors” organised at the European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation from Brussels, Belgium.
Limassol Green Energy Festival
Energy Days in Latvia
Energy Day in Salaspils: from Producing to Saving
Energy Day in Salaspils: from Producing to Consuming
Energy Days 2012 Timişoara
The City of Timişoara will organize in 18th and 19th of June 2012 the second edition of the “Energy Days 2012 Timişoara”. The event aims at debating over current major topics in the field of energy such as energy efficiency, the promotion of alternative technologies for sustainable energy, resources and energy policies, good practices in the environment protection field and necessary actions in order to combat and reduce the effects of climate changes.
Energy Day - Alba Iulia 2012
Alba Iulia will organize the "Energy Day - Alba Iulia 2012" on 16 June 2012. Context: promotion of activities caried out by Alba Iulia Municipality within the Covenant of Mayors
Vicenza has its Energy Days during the EUSEW 2012
Vicenza Energy Days 2012 SHAPING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES June 20th - 23th 2012
Energy days in Municipality of Vratsa
Municipality of Vratsa registered its energy days in the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2012
EUSEW 2012 - 1st CONURBANT International Workshop
During the European Sustainable Energy Week the Conurbant project will held in Brussels its 1st International Workshop
IEE Covenant capaCITY project Free Training
Free training offer for local government association representative or workersd for an energy agency that guides municipalities Sofia, Bulgaria
Timisoara Municipality participated in the in the 4th International Energy Trade Fair in Arad
On the 27 April 2012, four members of CONURBANT Project implementation team from he Mayor’s Office of Timisoara Municipality participated in the 4th International Energy Trade Fair in the border triangle: Romania, Hungary and Serbia, organised on the site of Expo Arad International.
Presentation of project Conurbant on round table
Municipality of Vratsa participated in the first round table under project “C-LIEGE - Clean last mile transport and logistics management”, supported by Intelligent Energy Europe on 12.04.2012 and presented the CONURBANT project, goals and expected results of the project. The message of the Covenant of Mayors was disseminated and other Mayors were encouraged to join the Covenant. Leaflets were given to all participants during the round table.
Alba Iulia Municipality and city of Vratsa (BG) work toghether
Tutoring activities of Alba Iulia Municipality
Padova's SEAP passed the JRC full analysis
WATER IS VITAL - GREEN WEEK TIMIŞOARA 2012 event has been labelled “Green Week 2012 satellite event” by the Directorate-General for the Environment of the European Commission
Timisoara Municipality and Timisoara Conurbation towns joined to the Romanian Covenant Club
Second local training held in Padova
The 2nd local training session in Padova was organised on 16 March
Local CONURBANT Project Training meeting and FORUM
In 9th of March 2012, Timişoara Municipality organized a training Session with representatives of local authorities included in TIMISOARA CONURBATION. The main objective was to establish a management plan and schedule of action in order to realize the BEI and SEAPs. After the technical session, a FORUM was organized whith participation of local authorities of TIMIŞOARA Conurbation Towns, Arad and Alba Iulia Municipalities.
Energy efficiency management and renewable energy seminar
The first information campaign of Sustainable Energy Development Agency for 2012
Presentations of the second local training held in Salaspils, Latvia
Lights off and ecological bus... Vicenza participating to the national event
Second local training session in Municipality of Palma de Mallorca
Second local training session on financing tools, ESCO’s and energy efficiency plans held in Palma de Mallorca, supported by Albea company.
Presentations of the second local training held in Vicenza, Italy
The Municipality of Vicenza organised for its Conurbation Towns the second local training session.
Conurbant project joined the "Renwable Energy Database"
Report of second local training in Municipality of Vratsa
In Municipality of Vratsa was held the 2nd local training on technical issues management and mature baseline achievements
Second training session held in Timisoara Municipality
The 2ndlocal training on technical issues management and mature baseline achievements in Romania, in Timişoara Municipality has occurred in 13th of December 2011, the event being hosted in the City Hall of Timişoara, C.D. Loga Boulevard no.1, in the Local Council Hall. The second local training on technical issues management and mature baseline achievements - registered a total of 47 attendees – representatives of 14 public authorities – conurbation towns, Timisoara City Hall top management representatives, representatives of the project implementation team and Environmantal Directorate, representatives of local companies that provide public services: energy distribution, waste management, urbanistical development department, representatives from local/national companies with relevant activities in energy field: “ELBA” Timisoara Company, DOSETIMPEX S.R.L. and DELTATEL S.R.L. Timisoara, mass media.
Sustainable Cities
Vicenza attended the Third Ceremony of the Covenant of Mayors
First local training session in Municipality of Palma de Mallorca
First local training session on Baseline Emissions Inventory and Sustainable Energy Action Plan held in Palma de Mallorca, supported by Albea company.
Covenant of Mayors signature ceremony
Arad participation to the Covenant of Mayors signature ceremony - Brussels, 29 November 2011.
Report of first local training in Municipality of Vratsa
In Municipality of Vratsa was held the 1st local training on CO2 emissions inventory and SEAP on 13.10.2011.
First local training session in Timişoara Municipality
The 1st local training on CO2 emissions inventory and SEAP in Romania, in Timişoara Municipality has occurred in 30th of September 2011, the event being hosted in the City Hall of Timişoara, C.D. Loga Boulevard no.1, in the Local Council Hall.