3L, the ELENA project of Padova
User: Municipality of Padova
The Province of Padova, in close cooperation with the Province of Rovigo and
the municipalities of Padova and Rovigo, will provide support to municipalities toprepare joint calls for tenders and to negotiate the terms of the contracts for theindividual subprojects with ESCOs. Joint tenders will then be launched leading toseparate contracts with the individual municipalities. The Province of Padova willestablish a project Implementation Unit by recruiting 4 new members of staff.
In addition, external expertise will be required for energy audits, legal, economicand engineering support in the tendering processes and monitoring of the projects.
Buildings to be refurbished 646
Lighting systems to be renewed in 38 municipalities
Investment to be mobilized:60.4 million €
Energy Savings 53 000MWh/year
High efficient energy from CHP 17 000MWh/year
Leverage factor 31
Link: http://www.eib.org/products/elena/