
Second training session held in Timisoara Municipality


User: Primăria Municipiului Timişoara

The Training Session began with the  signing ceremony in the Covenant of Mayors  Adhesion form by local authorities representatives, mayors and deputy mayors, of seven local communities from  Grow pole Timisoara and Timis County: Community of Bucovăţ, Community of Cărpiniş, Town Hall of Jimbolia, Community of Pişchia, Community of Remetea Mare, Community of Sînandrei and Community of Sînmihaiu Român.

The program of the event was realized for a gradual  information of participants about the following topics:

Establishment of organization and cooperation between the Project Implementation Team of the Timisoara Municipality and teams of local authorities participating in the CONURBANT project

Basic inventory of emissions - how we develop the  Baseline Emission Inventory?

How to develope the Sustainable Energy Action Plan

Case studies on energy efficiency

