Second working Group was held in Palma on 20/06/2013
User: Municipality of Palma Mallorca
During Thursday 20 June this year the City Hall of Palma had organized the second working group in the framework of the CONURBANT project.
The event was held at the meeting room at the water, waste and sewage municipal company headquarters.
All CONURBATION towns surrounding Palma and two more invited towns outside CONURBANT project participated in the event.
In the meeting, the Municipality of Palma presented its SEAP for all Conurbation towns and others attendants. We were discussing about synergistic action proposals and about futures actions which will be most feasible if carried out by the whole of the conurbation. Each Conurbation towns proposed at least two actions that would like to be carried ahead by the whole conurbation.
Actions turned around mobility, waste, awareness, etc.
At the end of day, we agreed to prioritize a couple of actions among all arising actions and make a policy proposal in our respective municipalities.