Report on implementation of actions in the frame of CONURBANT Project - WP5
Category: Public deliverables
User: Primăria Municipiului Timişoara
In the framework of CONURBANT Project, ten partner municipalities and their Conurbation towns have carried out specific activities with the view of implementing at least 96 selected actions and measures in the first year after the development of their SEAPs.
As a result of the activities carried out within the local energy forums and the working groups organised in the municipalities and conurbation towns, actions to be included in the SEAPs have been selected and implemented, due to the ”peer-to-peer” approach¸ to the exchange of experience between project partners, as well as to the support granted by the more experience municipalities.
The Tutoring Municipalities and the Trainee Municipalities, together with the conurbation towns, have managed to implement a number of 197 actions belonging to various sectors of the SEAPs, most of them actions from the sectors considered to be relevant: EE and RES used in municipal and residential buildings and facilities, EE in public lighting, heat and electricity production, sustainable public transport, sustainable urban mobility, strategic urban planning, green areas and investments in public infrastructure of local interest, etc.
The CONURBANT Project provided for the implementation of 197 actions/activities in ten conurbations from seven European countries, for a population of over 2.1 million people, with notable results as concerns the CO2 emissions reduction, estimated at 144 thousand tons. Over 253 million Euros have been engaged for the implementation of energy consumption reduction actions and measures.
This report is a brief presentation of the actions implemented by each partner, indicating the investment level, as well as the results achieved or estimated, both in terms of energy savings and CO2 emissions reduction, and energy from renewable resources produced locally.