Training Programme - Session I - Emission Inventories
Category: Training materials
User: Municipality of Vicenza
This page in particular is dedicated to the first centralised and local training session documents.
- Training programme for Municipalities and Conurbantion Towns (PDF Document)
- Session I - Climate Strategy Aproach – SEAP development (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
- Session I - Sogesca Conurbant Covenant principles (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
- Session I - training I_ Policy context (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
- Session I - JRC-Genova SEAP development and validation-new (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
- Session I - seap_tool_it (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet)
- Session I - LEGISLATION - 20110622_energy_efficiency_directive_slides_presentation_en (PDF Document)
- Session I - LEGISLATION - com_2011_0370_en (PDF Document)
- Session I - LEGISLATION - energy_legislation_by_policy_areas (PDF Document)
- Session I - LEGISLATION - MEMO-11-149_EN (PDF Document)
- Session I - CONURBANT Institutionalization Comune di Padova (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
- Session I - Institutionalization Survey Template Draft (Microsoft Word Document)
- Session I - Institutionalization Issues to be tackled (Microsoft Word Document)
- Session I - Institutionalization (OpenDocument Presentation Template)
- Session I - Emissions - Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory (PDF Document)
- Session I -inventories - 601-convegnoLAKS_SEAP (PDF Document)
- Session I -inventories - GHG_inventories_report (PDF Document)
- Session I -inventories - LAKS_V2_InventoryManual_12Dec2010 (PDF Document)
- Session I - Plans - ccap-copenhagen-030709 (PDF Document)
- Session I - Plans - London_ClimateChangeMitigationStrategy (PDF Document)
- Session I - Plans - London_SUS_CarbonFootprintreport (PDF Document)
- Session I - Plans - Procura__Manual_complete (PDF Document)
- Session I - Plans - London_SUS_climateadapt (PDF Document)
- Session I - Plans - wwf_greening_with_it (PDF Document)
- Session I - Tranining_Padova Part_links (Microsoft Word Document)
- Session I - COM - Covenant_of_Mayors_Graphic_Guidelines_May_2011 (PDF Document)
- Session I - COM - covenant_presentation_en (PDF Document)
- Session I - COM - IT_Thematic_Leaflet_SEAP_BEI (PDF Document)
- Session I - COM - seap_guidelines_it-2 (PDF Document)
- Session I - CAse Study - deliberazione-patto dei sindaci-Padova (PDF Document)
- Session I - Case Study - GP_EE_RES_bg-patto dei sindaci-Padova (Microsoft Word Document)
- Session I - Case Study - Padova SEAP and Inventory_EN (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
- Session I - Case Study - Padova_CONURBANT_ (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
- Session I - Case Study - PAES__SEAP_PD (PDF Document)
- Session I - Case Study - SEAP IMPLEMENTATION_Timisoara (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
- Session I - Case Study - Zagreb_2011-SEAP-Development (PDF Document)